Exhibit at CHB, Berlin 

*The installation here documented is inaudible. 
  The sounds of the video are from the sound installation of Nico Espinoza.

Sound Installation


The installation generates impulses of a 20kHz sine wave that displays the pulse rate of the number of deaths from AIDS-related causes worldwide in a year. The piece sonifies the most recent statistics of UNAIDS, which is the world's most extensive data collection on the HIV epidemic. This artwork is part of a theoretical research that maps the impact of the early AIDS epidemic in specific sound-focused artworks.

An AIDS Walkthrough, #12 Instinct
6. - 16.04.2023
Kurfürstenstraße 31/32
10785 Berlin

MA Exhibition, Sound Studies and Sonic Arts
Collegium Hungaricum Berlin.
Dorotheenstraße 12,
10117 Berlin, Germany