Photos © Kim Wichera

Sound Installation


Rundgang UdK, Sound Studies and Sonic Arts
29.10.2021 - 31.10.2021
3th Floor (Room 312)
Lietzenburger Straße 45,
10789 Berlin, Germany

In this piece, sound is synonymous with death. The work translates data into sound from a PDF that indicates the mortality cases related to HIV and AIDS from 1981 until 2020 in Spain. The art installation visually and sonically interprets page 8 of the latest published document about AIDS-illness-related mortality, published by the Spanish Ministry of Health. This installation questions the historical causes of the invisibility of AIDS in Spanish territory by their impulses, which are generated by sine waves and frequency modulation. Reprinting this statistic table aims to voice the loss of awareness by some sectors of the population about the epidemic in specific locations and contexts.